
Adhesive glue structural bond

Carbon fiber fabrics

Kevlar and hybrid fabrics

Fiberglass cloth and fabric

Fiberglass resin

Electrical potting compound

Low viscosity system

Epoxy fillers and processing aids

MAX BOND epoxy sizes and versions

MAX BOND high strength epoxy

MAX CLR clear casting

MAX CLR clear coating kits

MAX CLR clear impregnating

MAX CLR epoxy systems

MAX epoxy colorants

Crystal clear coating casting

MAX EMC epoxy clay

MAX GPE clear color gel coat

MAX MCR potting compounds

MAX mold release kits

MAX PCR and wood coatings

Pigmented epoxy

Specialty systems

System modifiers

Tooling resins

Vacuum bagging materials

Rigid mold making

Hull patch

Honeycomb panels

High performance composites

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